
1. Was clearing stuff from my many shelving units last weekend when I came across two shoeboxes full of letters and postcards from friends from my past. I sat down and read each one of them. I realise how different things are now and I wonder if we'll be able to catch up from where we left of previously, if we were to meet again. Interesting, eh?

2. I meet a lot of err.. interesting people in my line of work. Some are adorable, most not. These past few days, I've encountered more ugly behaviour than I have, my entire life. Kudos to you, guys!

3. A part of me wants to search. Another part of me doesn't. Right now, I'm agreeing with the latter. Will things be made easier soon? I sure hope so.

4. Next year seems so daunting at the moment.

5. Missing some key personnel in my life. Touch base soon, please.

6. I like tween dramas like 90210. Am watching season 1 right now.

7. I should be doing something more frutiful with my time.

8. Ok, I'm done.

Am I happy?

Just last night, I received a text message from a friend. She'd been reading the blog and said I sounded happy. Then, I asked myself, if I really am just that.
I remember reading once, that Life is really the search for immeasurable happiness and I totally agree. I know that many a time, when I pray in the morning, I ask God to grant me a happy day, a day I put smiles on my kiddos' faces, a day that I am feeling blessed to be at work, a day my family is happy through and through. And when I received the message last night, it really got me thinking again. I have a beautiful family and they bring me nothing but joy (on most days). I love my job, especially since it's something (and the only thing) I've been dreaming of doing all my life. I have my girlies at work who are my source of laughter and support whenever I need them. I have my friends who've got my back no matter which part of the world they're at or how often we talk.
But, am I happy? Yes, I probably am. There's always a 'but' though. I know, for a fact, that I could be happier. I have so many more desires and dreams to accomplish. Listing them here would take up too much time. Even at this moment, I can think of about 20 things that could make me happier.
I guess at the end of the day, the person who is truly the happiest, is the one who is satisfied with what he has. Am I going to be that person? Well, for now, on a lazy Sunday afternoon, when the world seems to have stopped around me for a bit, I know I am satisfied and wouldn't want anything to change. I also know though, that the moment I step out of my house and am in contact with the world around me again, my answer would be different.
So, for now, I am happy. Thank you. =) And yes, dearie, I miss you too.

Yet another Change

This year has been one full of changes up to this point. It's almost as if I am not meant to get too comfortable with anyone or anything.

I have been told to give up a group of people I adore very very much and take on another group. I thought I had a choice but I soon realised that I really didn't. When I was posed the question, it did sound like a question to me. Sooner than later, I realised that it wasn't really meant to be that way and it was my naivety that prevented me from understanding that right at the beginning.

Don't get me wrong: I am not averse to change. I just feel upset that I have worked very hard with my current group and to have to give them up like that, is really not the easiest thing to deal with. Yes, granted that I'll still get to see them a lot for the rest of the year.. but it will not be the same. I am happy that they're excited with the person taking over and there're mixed feelings all around. Some don't want me to go and some are all too happy that I'll be out of the way from now on.

On my part, I am very sad that I have to hand my precious ones over to someone else, but I am, at the same time, anxious and excited to inherit a new group of people (for whom I already care for).

I can't begin to put together how the 'new' group is taking the departure of their 'pack leader'. And how I will be received; Me - the substitute. I know that the new group will receive as much love and devotion as I have given to the previous group and I will go all out for them as I've been doing so far. God bless us, really.

Sigh. At the end of the day, it's all in a day's work, I suppose.

Goodbye, 2G. Hello, 4G.

When you have to decide between floating or drowning

AND.. you know the only option you have, is to float.

Because drowning signals that you have given up..

On yourself
On those who believe in you
On your education
On your past experiences
On those who need you to believe in them
On God and your Faith in Him to see you through anything.

The split second in which you make the decision
Will stay in your heart forever.
And anytime you need inspiration to trudge on
You only have to look to yourself.

There are FOURTEEN more hours to go...

before I hop on that jet plane

before I take a well-deserved and (hard-earned) trip

before I can stop feeling guilty about not answering cell phone calls

before I spend some precious time with my kid brother

before I get to soak in another wonderful country, its people and culture

before I let my hair down and no longer be responsible for a ton of things

before I say goodbye to my mummy and start missing her almost immediately

before I call my dad at work to tell him to take care and not miss us too much

before I text my buddies to say the country will be quieter for a whole week, so enjoy that to the fullest

before I spend the next one week counting my lucky stars for a wonderful uncle who has made so many things in my life, including many parts of this trip, possible

before I step into Vietnam and start (mostly, unwillingly) the countdown to my last day there.

God bless, everyone! Take care and know that you'll be missed, even if it's only for a fleeting moment! ;)

Special hugs to my Mum, Dad, Mei, Uncle Rocky, Am and Ap, Pescador (I hate knowing that you're leaving so soon. argh.), my custard and tuna puffs, my DollieShi (who's in the US having a ball of a time!!), Jo (whom I have yet to see in months!!) and YOU!