In case someday I forget...

It is now 3am in the morning and I have a major presentation in about 12 hours that I'm not quite prepared for, and I'm really tired and sleepy. So WHY in the world have I decided to blog? For the simple reason that someday I MIGHT forget a rather SIMPLE fact: that you and I live in a selfish and judgmental world and although you and I may be selfish & judgmental at the same time, it will never quite suck as bad as when you're on the receiving end of someone else's selfishness and quick (and often unfair) judgment.

It is a hard lesson to learn though it may not be the first time it's presented itself before you. Somehow I feel it gets harder and harder to deal with as we grow older cuz perhaps we THINK we know, we think we know HOW to spot those with this nasty trait. BUT my friend, you really don't. you. have. no. idea.

Well, guess my job here is done. My reminder's posted for my future possibly forgetful and might I add, careless and hopefully, carefree self. (It's quite hard to imagine the anal and overly obsessive-compulsive me being anything close to carefree, but let me indulge, will you? It's 3-frigging-am and the girl's just had a hard ball thrown at her.. and ya, smarty-panties, the girl didn't quite catch it right..! *mutters*)


PS Thank you Huiyi! =) You were there when I needed someone to talk to and you kindly made time though you had tons of crap to do too. Love you muchies! God Bless you, dearie!

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