
I think I’m falling in love with you
It may seem strange but it’s true.
I hope you will never find out
Cuz I don’t know what’ll happen if you do.

Maybe it started when I realised that
I feel all warm and fuzzy inside
when I think of the way you smile.
And how your smile makes me want to smile too.

Or perhaps when it dawned upon me that
I love the way your eyes twinkle
when you’ve got something cheeky on your mind.
And when I laugh at your crazy thoughts,
You’d say, “C’mon babe, you’re crazy too”.

I want to be there for you, love
Whenever something goes wrong;
Like all those times I was there even though
you didn’t say it, but I knew something was wrong.

I’ve seen the tears you try to hide;
The pain you pretend isn’t there.
I long to tell you how brave I think you are –
Just look at you, you’ve come so far
From the scared little boy you used to be
To the brave young man I now see.

I know I am not the most beautiful girl
And I will never be
the perfect one you always talk about
but I try to be the best I can be.

Love, I pray that you do see
I am always there for you
when you’re left with no one else, and
with me you can just be you.

You know, I dream of how we’ll spend our days together
I dream of our happy times and sad
I dream that these will be more than just figments of my imagination
I do dream that someday these dreams will be more than that.

But love, I just saw you with your arms around another girl.
I saw how you smiled at her and pulled her close.
I saw you whispering in her ear and
my heart just froze.

These were the same images that I had seen in my dreams
so many times before.
But love, that girl you had your arms around –
I never dreamt about her, for sure.

Now no one told me how my heart will hurt
And that my tears will just keep falling.
Or how I would have to keep telling myself (over and over again)
that I will get past this pain.

I guess now my dreams will remain dreams
And now more than ever,
I hope you never find out that I’m in love with you
Maybe strange, but oh so true.

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