Sometimes I look at the people around me and the stories I hear about the people not necessarily around me.. and I wonder if I should hole myself up at home cuz that seems to be the safest place to be. Everyone around just seems to want to hurt someone else or throw some crap in someone else's face just to see them cringe or affected. This IS a sad world we live in now. So much pain, destruction and agony. No one seems to be able to be happy for another person; no one wants to go out of their way to help another person. In fact, calling someone a friend seems to be mere lip-service. Not many "friends" I know will bend backwards to help me out should I need it. I know there ARE some, but if truth be told, that number is a rather small one. Does that necessarily mean that I am not worth helping? If you do not know me, and have a crappy opinion of me, you're probably nodding, but think again, how many of YOUR friends would run to help if you needed it. It's not just me, I tell you, it's a nasty plague.
I was talking to a friend two nights ago and she was telling me about this friend of hers whom she has helped countless times, sometimes without her asking even. BUT when she needed someone to talk to when something nasty happened, this "friend" feigned ignorance and didn't even bother to ask if she was going to be okay. When the selfish friend needed something, my friend was there for her night after night, day after day, for weeks, just so she had someone by her side to get her through. But it was Ms Selfish's turn to perform, so to speak, or heck, just to return the favours, she bolted! I was really upset when I heard this because it's yet another cruel reminder that the world is just not fair in the way things go.
At the end of the day, sometimes we need to remind ourselves that on our parts, we must never never forget to give thanks for the things that happen for us everyday, good or bad. And we must, and I insist, we must never forget to show our appreciation for the things others do for us. Most people NEED appreciation, I've come to realise. And I know, I do too. When someone does something for me, even if it is my dad, mom or bro, there's always a Thank You on my part. And in return, when I do something for them, even if it is something simple like picking something up although it isn't on my way, a simple Thank You just makes it all THAT much more worth it.
I know they say that we shouldn't do things expecting appreciation in return, but I tell you, that's probably okay in an idealistic, utopian world where everyone is extremely wonderful to everyone else. In the real world you and I live in, unfortunately, that's not going to be err.. appreciated? On my part, when I go out of my way to do something for someone, a friend, family member or stranger, even, I know I do it because I WANT to and yes, in that sense, I ain't looking for appreciation, per say. But sometimes, I know that just hearing someone saying Thank You would make the difference, especially after a long, hard day. The 2 simple words would just make a helluva difference. And I know I am not saying this only for me, many of us feel the same way too. AND because I know I feel this way, like Michael Jackson sang, I start from the Man (in my case, woman) in the Mirror! I try my very bestest to say Thank You everytime I think I should. Does that mean I say it too often so I don't mean it anymore? NO. I mean it everytime I say it, and if I don't say it, it just means I ain't gonna mean it if I do, so I'm better off keeping quiet. Know what I mean? Shi and I, when we met last night had this discussion about "I-Love-You's" too and I guess it applies in the same manner.
So, what am I trying to get at after all this rambling? Show our appreciation when we feel it due, I guess. I know I need it sometimes, and you do too. Let's keep ourselves as happy and appreciated as we possibly can, I say. That way, the world won't stop being nice & pleasant on us way sooner than we expect it to! =)
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