To: "Boy"

The following piece is inspired by "boy". Thank you and no thanks, actually.

Dear Boy,

What will it take for you to see how much you mean to her? Have you noticed the tears in her eyes, the tears she hides with her smile? She'd give the world for you, boy, but you choose only to see the mistakes she makes, the wrong things she might say, the flaws on her face. Why do all these things mean so much more to you, than the wonderful selfless things she's done for you? You've forgotten, boy, you've forgotten to be thankful, grateful and appreciative.

Look, boy, she isn't gonna be here forever cuz forever doesn't exist, though you seem to believe it does. What she feels for you now, now, that is real. But tomorrow, someone who appreciates her will come along and take her hand in his. Then, it'd be too late. So, think of all the things, big or small, she's done for you. And then think to see if you have done anything nice for her lately, anything at all. If it suddenly hits you, that what you've done for her is nothing compared to what she's done for you, the reason is really simple: she cares for you, maybe too much, it doesn't matter to her, but you, you just don't care at all, or at least not nearly enough.

If you're paying any attention, boy, I hope you know what you should do next: Grab her, i say, hold her, and tell her just how much you appreciate everything she's done for you. Better yet, Show her - show her you love her for the person she is, for caring so much, for her selfless acts of love and kindness; show her you care enough to do nice things for her too; just show her that she matters to you, though she may not mean to you as much as you mean to her.

You know, boy, it is not every day in our lives on this earth, that we come across special people: people who love us more than we can possibly love them, people who love us more than we love ourselves. These are the people who love us for who we are; they look past our mistakes and flaws, they forgive us so easily, it seems as though they've forgotten that we keep making the same mistakes again and again. They are the ones, boy, who always have a ready smile, hugs and kisses to lift us up when we're down. They are always so happy to see us, we can't help feeling good about ourselves too. Boy, you're so lucky, because she is all these and more. She's more than special and I don't know if you'll ever meet someone like her again. So, treasure what you have boy, and what you have, is a really special person whom you'll regret not caring for, if one day, she turns her back on you and leaves.

You know what the saddest thing is? Right now, no matter whether you love her in return, or show her any appreciation, she'll still be by your side. Her ever-ready smile and sweet words will always be there, for you. But, even she doesn't know that one day, when someone who loves her more than she loves you, comes along, she will go, leave you, for him. And you know, that she does deserve that happiness. Because for how long can she love and serve you silently, without receiving reciprocation of any sort? For how long, boy, for how long?

Boy, it is really not too late. Her heart is still in your hands, and will be, for some time. Act while you can, trust me. She needs no fancy gifts or expensive dinners and you know that. All that you have to do, is be nice, be appreciative: words of thanks and bright, sincere smiles when you see her - those are more than enough. Those will keep her happy for a long long time, believe me.

If you can appreciate her love for you, someday soon, please learn to love her in return, for there's no greater joy in the world than being loved more than you love. That's a sacrifice she's willing to make, because she knows, she knows she loves and will always love you far more than you can ever love her. That's what makes her so special, so beautiful, don't you think? It's all up to you, boy. You decide, but remember, time is not necessarily on your side, or hers.

God bless!

Someone who cares. About you.

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