My Fairytale

I've been reading so many blogs in the last few days.. n boy oh boy, do I suck! haha.. 1st of all, my biggest flaw, (no points for guessing..) my laziness... sheer laziness, results in my not blogging for weeks at a stretch. Much to the chagrin of friends who actually click on links to my blog.. sorry u guys..!

K, nuff of the pathetic ramble.. let's get down to business..

(this post is a dedication to a very unlikely "friend" Dar.. read on hon.. =))

"Guess goodbyes don't apply to us..": that's what triggered a lot of curious questions some one to two weeks back. "What happened babe? Who left?", concerned friends asked. I just shrugged them off saying I didn't want to talk about it. To perhaps one or two.. without asking they knew what/who I was referring to.. =) Amazing, ain't it, the "power" of friendship. Nevertheless.. here's a little bit excerpt from the book i call My Life aka My Fairytale.

"...The moment I heard you might be leaving, nothing happened really. I wasn't too bothered, perhaps too tired to care or think too much about it. Basides, I was a little shocked, if I am being totally honest. Simply because, you spent so much time with me the days before, you could have just somehow made it part of our conversations! Like, perhaps, (at Starbucks) "What shall I get you? Oh btw, I might be flying off next week." OR perhaps, (while waiting for the mrt) "It's so crowded after-work hours eh? Oh, i'll be getting away from all this if I'm flying off next week." SEE, it would have been so easy, ain't it.. but you didn't even give me a hint, honey.. I had to hear it from someone else! That's so not fair! =(

But that's alright, it's just episode 1 in this whole saga. Episode 2 begins the next day through to the following week: I fell really sick, so had no oppurtunity to meet you as we usually do. And I had no idea if you had left because you never called! Pathetic, ain't it..?! Well, nevermind, there's nthg much I could do, it's all you baby (ala Levi's advert).

After that week of wondering whether you'd left (and literally driving myself up the wall), we bumped into each other. I was pleasantly surprised: your trip got cancelled. And you hadn't bothered to call. Nevermind. You were more than happy to see me, and I was happy to see you too. BUT now, where do we stand hon? I need to know that, at the very least.

People can't hold on to empty promises forever; they can't keep trying to grab and hold on to something when all they have before them is air, just air. Nothing to grab on to. So, this is my life, I wish for a fairytale.. minus the horses.. but I guess, at the end of the day, we still live in a real world, with real people, like you and me. Who make mistakes and never get the chance to apologise. I don't want that to be us, but if you wanna walk down that well-trodden road, guess i'll just have to walk with you.. side-by-side, hand-in-hand..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey babe, I think I know who you're talking about. Don't have much to say since it's all over, but I know those few days might have affected you quite abit. Well, a huge bit, perhaps. Anyway, hope you'll be able to sort things out, don't let things like this affect you too much eh? Take care!

Ah Bao