Just read the last entry, not that it was a very long one anyways and was contemplating putting up yet another "i'm-not-dead-yet-folks" entry but decided not to be a cow.. *jo, stop smirking!*
Well, let's see.. for most of the bums in school exams are over *yeah yeah hoorays to u too!* BUT yeah in nitz's big BUTT fashion.. mine are not!! still have 1 more paper to go.. Soci.. looking forward to it.. cuz i particularly love soci.. (that's for the uninitiated.. those who know me will know i can't stop talking bout Soci!!) So when that's done.. *hoorays to me* i'll try to lend my pretty ass in a job.. cuz i wanna go crazy SHOPPING!!! so much shopping to catch up on man....!!
Recently i've turned into what i call a blog vouyeur.. unshamedly taking sneaky long peeks into blogs of ppl i dun even know.. *discovered the power of hyperlinks eh?!* And my, my... ppl do lead pretty interesting lives.. there's a waiter who goes crazy at times and does the silliest things at work (i can't tell u which restaurant he works at, that's sabotaging! or boycotting eventually) and there's a wannabe hip-hopper who sprouts really bad english.. unless u are fan of ni**er-talk.. i mean some of it is cool, but whole paragraphs..? that are punctuated with yo's and waddup's and rock 'em's and what-not?! god, it can get pretty torturous.. i almost wanna go out and get myself a new dic..tionary yo! But some ppl share really interesting stories.. and it's nice to read them and know that real people do exist in cyberspace too.
Well, when I started this entry i wanted to say a bit more about my thoughts on the things that are happening in my life rite now.. BUTT like i said i have an exam in the afternoon tmr.. in exactly 24hrs.. i gotta get my ass crackin.. so seeya folks!
PS (heh, seems as thou i'm calling pei shi) izt just me or did i mention BUTT and ass like more than twice..? it's become pretty obvious where my obsessions lie eh? haha *grinz*
Well, let's see.. for most of the bums in school exams are over *yeah yeah hoorays to u too!* BUT yeah in nitz's big BUTT fashion.. mine are not!! still have 1 more paper to go.. Soci.. looking forward to it.. cuz i particularly love soci.. (that's for the uninitiated.. those who know me will know i can't stop talking bout Soci!!) So when that's done.. *hoorays to me* i'll try to lend my pretty ass in a job.. cuz i wanna go crazy SHOPPING!!! so much shopping to catch up on man....!!
Recently i've turned into what i call a blog vouyeur.. unshamedly taking sneaky long peeks into blogs of ppl i dun even know.. *discovered the power of hyperlinks eh?!* And my, my... ppl do lead pretty interesting lives.. there's a waiter who goes crazy at times and does the silliest things at work (i can't tell u which restaurant he works at, that's sabotaging! or boycotting eventually) and there's a wannabe hip-hopper who sprouts really bad english.. unless u are fan of ni**er-talk.. i mean some of it is cool, but whole paragraphs..? that are punctuated with yo's and waddup's and rock 'em's and what-not?! god, it can get pretty torturous.. i almost wanna go out and get myself a new dic..tionary yo! But some ppl share really interesting stories.. and it's nice to read them and know that real people do exist in cyberspace too.
Well, when I started this entry i wanted to say a bit more about my thoughts on the things that are happening in my life rite now.. BUTT like i said i have an exam in the afternoon tmr.. in exactly 24hrs.. i gotta get my ass crackin.. so seeya folks!
PS (heh, seems as thou i'm calling pei shi) izt just me or did i mention BUTT and ass like more than twice..? it's become pretty obvious where my obsessions lie eh? haha *grinz*
muahaha... finally babe... sth worth reading... heh...
and hey u're good... i WAS smirking as i read ur first para... *grins*
jo is a cow that smirks pple! haha.. ooh.. revelation 101.
making butterflies for you! :D~
sob... peishi originally said she'll do my blog first... sigh... the powers of el2102... the prowess of spending time 3 days a wk together...
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